Hundreds of artistic entries from 4th and 5th grade students came in for this year’s Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner’s Kids Clean Water Calendar Contest, and Great Lakes Now Host Ward Detwiler had to decide which drawings would be printed for each month.
“Fortunately, because I’d done this last year, I knew how hard it was going to be,” Detwiler said. “These students showed so much dedication to spreading the word about the importance of clean water and illustrating some of the threats to it in their home communities and beyond.”
The grand prize winner: Aditya Yogesh, of Troy, Michigan, who created “Save Water, Save Nature.

GLN Host Ward Detwiler and 2021 Kids Clean Water Calendar Contest Winner Aditya Yogesh (Image from Great Lakes Now)
Yogesh told Detwiler that his artwork is about saving water, which in turn saves nature.
“Many water resources like the lakes, rivers and oceans are constantly polluted by harmful substances like chemicals and waste,” Yogesh said. “So one half of my artwork shows how industrial wastes are let into the stream which pollute the water and kill aquatic creates. The other half of my artwork shows clean water and a balanced ecosystem.”
To order your free calendar, click HERE.
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API key not valid. Please pass a valid API key.Featured image: 2021 Kids Clean Water Calendar Contest Winner Aditya Yogesh (Image from Great Lakes Now)
What a great interview. The young man is very knowledgeable.
This is so inspiring. We have been doing this educational project for many years now and every year I am encouraged by the intelligence and understanding displayed by these young people. The grand prize winner, Aditya Yogesh, speaks with a voice beyond his years and serves as an example of what his generation can and must accomplish. I am hopeful for the future in their hands.
Save the water 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦