The Catch: Meet the author behind “Nibi Chronicles”
“There’s a lot to be learned from Ojibwe history and culture.”

The Catch: Robots Tackle Shoreline Trash
The bots will collect plastic pollution from both the shoreline and the water as part of a larger binational effort called the Great Lakes Plastic Cleanup initiative.

The Catch: The Latest on Enbridge Line 3
Enbridge is facing government action and criminal charges stemming from violations during the construction of the Line 3 pipeline in Northern Minnesota.

The Catch: Secrets of Lake Mendota
It’s believed to be the oldest canoe ever discovered in the Great Lakes region and the second to be found in Lake Mendota.

The Catch: Cruising the Great Lakes
“This past summer was a record-setting year for cruise ships in the Great Lakes, and that’s meant a lot more tourists coming to the region. It’s also meant economic development for cities in the region.”

The Catch: Record Number of Piping Plovers
Of the region’s 72 breeding pairs, 48 were in Michigan, and Michigan’s nests produced a record number of chicks.

The Catch: Why lightning bug population is dimming
The issue is part of a larger problem of declining insect populations in general.

The Catch: New freighter in town
The ship is the first American made bulk cargo carrier constructed on the Great Lakes in nearly 40 years.
The Catch: Historic land transfer
The move marks the first time that land has been returned directly to a tribal entity in the state of New York.

The Catch: Coal ash regulation
“The EPA has indicated that they’re going to take a more active approach going forward with the sites that are regulated under their current rules.”

The Catch: Lincoln Stone Quarry and coal ash
Environmental lawyers, activists and residents are pushing for this coal ash to be completely removed from the quarry and transported to a safer landfill.

The Catch: Bitcoin mining and coal ash
Housed in a former coal-fired plant, the bitcoin mining operation is energy intensive.