
PFAS in the Headlines

Explore the map of recent news stories about this family of industrial chemicals that is drawing increasing concern.

PFAS in the Headlines
March 20, 2019 Sandra Svoboda

How this family of industrial chemicals has contaminated water supplies is a worldwide story.

Great Lakes Now collected headlines from dozens of newspapers, television stations and public radio outlets to help you explore the story of PFAS chemicals in other communities.

Zoom in on the map to see coverage from a particular community. You can learn how governmental agencies and politicians are responding, what research is being done, and how people’s lives are affected under each pointer on the map.

And if you have a question about PFAS you’d like Great Lakes Now to answer, click HERE and send it to us.


More PFAS Coverage

PFAS News Roundup: 3M scientist exposes 50 years of PFAS deceit just as the ‘forever chemicals’ are found in Great Lakes precipitation
- by Mia Litzenberg

Catch the latest updates on what’s happening with PFAS in the Great Lakes region.

PFAS News Roundup: PFAS are shown to be unique bipartisan voting concern in Wisconsin

Catch the latest updates on what’s happening with PFAS in this biweekly headline roundup.

Good news for Michigan smelt season: PFAS levels lower than feared
- by Bridge Michigan

State officials warned against eating too much of the silvery panfish due to high PFAS levels. Scientists now say that was an error, but aren’t yet ready to abandon fish consumption advisories altogether.

PFAS News Roundup: Landmark EPA decision implements first nation-wide PFAS limit in drinking water

Catch the latest updates on what’s happening with PFAS in this biweekly headline roundup.


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