They’re Here! (and it’s more than just Carp!)

They’re Here! (and it’s more than just Carp!)
January 22, 2013 GLN Editor
Moderator Patrick Doran, Director of Conservation Programs, The Nature Conservancy

From the Great Lakes Now Connect: Invasive Species event, the first panel They’re Here! (and it’s more than just Carp!) discusses the 180 different species of plants and animals who have been identified as invasive to the Great Lakes.

The panel expands on the infiltration pathways of these creatures, the impact they’re having on the waters they live in and the communities on land, and answer questions from the audience.

The panel includes

  • Kathryn Buckner, President, Council of Great Lakes Industries
  • Dr. Marc Gaden, Great Lakes Fishery Commission
  • Dr. Hugh MacIsaac, Professor at the University of Windsor and Director of the Canadian Aquatic Invasive Species Network
  • Paul Pacholski, President, Ohio-Lake Erie Charter Boat Association

Moderating the group is Director of Conservation Programs, The Nature Conservancy in Michigan, Patrick Doran

Watch it On Demand>>>


Visit for more information about Aquatic Invasive Species.

For more information about the panel discussion you can read the press release or


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