From the Great Lakes Now Connect: Invasive Species event, the second panel The Search for Solutions allows the panel to give their outlook on the Great Lakes, problems that need managing, and potential solutions.
The panel delves into the issues of the Great Lakes, potential sustainable solutions, and answering questions form the audience.
The panel includes:
- Tom Barrett, Mayor of Milwaukee
- Matt Doss, Policy Director, Great Lakes Commission
- Phil Moy, Assistant Director of Research, Wisconsin Sea Grant
- Sara LeSage, Aquatic Invasive Species Program Coordinator, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Moderating Director, Great Lakes Aquatic Invasive Species, The Nature Conservancy, Lindsay Chadderton.
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Visit nature.org/ais for more information about Aquatic Invasive Species.
For more information about the panel discussion you can read the press release or emailgreatlakesnow@dptv.org.