Fish, Birds and AnimalsFreightersHabitat RestorationInfrastructureJames ProffittLake ErieLatest NewsNewsOhioRecreation and TourismRecreational Hunting and Fishing
Got Pike? Huron, Michigan, Ontario, Superior, yes. Erie, not so much.
-Increased seiche events likely hurting already small populations of the fish.
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Field Tiles: Continued use and improvement of drainage systems pose problems for Lake Erie
-Settlers began draining the Great Black Swamp soon after they encountered it. The farmland that took its place has its own set of problems.
ClevelandFeature ClevelandFish, Birds and AnimalsJames ProffittLake ErieLatest NewsNewsOhioRecreational Hunting and FishingTourism
Fall Brawl: Sheffield Lake fishing derby inspires intense angling
-The fishing derby started with 50 people 10 years ago. Participants number more than 12,000 this year.
Dave Spangler: Lake Erie loses tireless full-time advocate
-The Oak Harbor charter captain was a major force in many circles.
Legal Fees: Toledo residents to pay for LEBOR challenger Drewes Farms
-A legal bill from LEBOR challenger Drewes Farms presented to city officials in April was originally about $293,000.
Fish, Birds and AnimalsIndianaJames ProffittLake ErieLatest NewsMichiganNewsOhioOntarioResearch, Data and TechnologyScience, Technology, ResearchWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
C+: Western Lake Erie receives mediocre score on new report card
-The findings were organized into color-coded interactive graphics for easy accessibility by the public.
Sturgeon Stocking: COVID-19 puts pause on popular sturgeon release program
-The program, slated to stock 3,000 lake sturgeon in the Maumee River each autumn for the next two decades, will continue next year.
AgricultureAlgae BloomsIndustry, Energy, Economic DevelopmentJames ProffittLake ErieLatest NewsNewsOhioWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Total Maximum Daily Load: Court case looks to push for Ohio EPA nutrients limit for Lake Erie
-Advocates say the sooner a limit is created the better for Lake Erie.
Cost of Conservation: Needed systems and equipment can lead to a hefty price tag
-Farmers are turning to co-ops and subsidies to keep up with conservation.
AgricultureAlgae BloomsClevelandFeature ClevelandJames ProffittLake ErieLatest NewsNewsOhioResearch, Data and TechnologyScience, Technology, ResearchWater Quality and Restoration Efforts
Toxic Algae 2020: Moderate bloom forecasted for Lake Erie
-Discussed at this year’s forecast: the science behind it, can you use Lake Erie, and a citizen science initiative.